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Writer's pictureAmy Thiessen

Honouring our Mothers through Song, Chant, & Word. (Sing-along-able Video Included)

Updated: May 5, 2021

In preparation for mothers day it seemed only fitting to spend time honouring our mothers.

Please sing with me in honour of all the moms & mothers out there.

~ The Mother who Birthed Us

~ The Mom(s) who raised Us

~ The Moms who Lost their Children to Soon

~ The Mother Lands that Hold & Nurture Us

~ The Great Mother

~ The Essence & Power of the Mother Within Each of Us.

In light of the recent situation & in honour of Mother India I'd like to dedicate these prayers & music to her. I invite you to support India in their current challenges with the pandemic by donating.

Other places to donate

To each mother who has imprinted her essence into creation.

To the mothers who birthed us.

Thank you. Thank you for holding us in your womb ~ for offering breath, nutrients, & care. Thank you for allowing us to be held in your body, for taking in stride the stretch marks & changes that may remain with you to this day. Thank you for the gift of life that you gave & the essence of you which lives on through your children.

To the mother(s) who raised us.

Thank you. Thank you for love you offered, a shoulder to cry on, a word to sooth, a kiss on a scraped knees & a bed to crawl into at all hours of the night. Thank you for the things that were left unseen ~ endless hours organizing, cleaning, preparing, & perhaps even worrying if you were doing enough. Thank you for caring enough to do your best. Thank you for walking alongside us ~ from holding us close as little being to guiding us into a place where we could fly free. Thank you for every moment of joy, grief, & frustration. Thank you for being mom.

In honour of the moms who have lost

To you, the mom who lost your child too soon. I honour you. May you be held by the most infinite love & honoured in your love & grief. May you feel the presence of that dear one who is always a part of you ~ separate in body ~ but always connected in spirit. Thank you for you as you are, still & always a mom.

To the mother lands which have nurtured us.

Thank you to the water, the mountains, the oceans, & the skies. We are held by you & created of you. Thank you for touching us so deeply in moments of awe & expanse. For showing us both your infinite power & infinite grace. May we tread gently on your earth, respect your gifts, & offer you our daily gratitude.

To the Great & Infinite Mother.

Thank you. To the grace that holds us every day. That which lives in, around & through us ~ from which we all arise & to which we all return. To the great mother, thank you.

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John Abraham
John Abraham
Jan 09, 2024

Your honoring of mothers in all their forms from those who birthed us to the nurturing essence of the Mother Lands is deeply touching and inclusive. Landscape Maintenance Services in East Norriton

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